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Faculty List




MBA, MPhil, PhD

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter International Conference On Technology Distruption In Business And Tourism: Decisive Strategies The impact of Marketing Mix on customer value and retention in the professional service Industry - A case study analysis of Masicon Consulting Group Sdn Bhd, Malaysia 24/01/2025 Christ University International
2 Conference Organizer International Conference On Technology Distruption In Business And Tourism: Decisive Strategies 24/01/2025 Christ University International
3 Conference Presenter International Conference On Emerging Trends And Innovations An Empirical Study On The Rise In The Usage Of Ai Chatbots In Online Shopping And Its Influence On Consumers' Buying Preferences 20/10/2024 National University Of Arts Education, Vietnam International
4 Conference Presenter International Conference on Business Dynamics and Sustainable Development 5.0 Analysis of User Satisfaction and Patronage Intention Towards Electric Vehicles 14/03/2024 St.Joseph's University, Bengaluru International
5 Conference Moderator/Chair International Conference on interdisciplinary engagement and social innovation in Business and Tourism 05/10/2023 Christ University International
6 Conference Presenter International conference on Emerging Trends in Business and Management Gender difference in Leadership styles and its impact on intrinsic motivation of subordinates 24/02/2023 SSN School of Management, Tamil Nadu International
7 Conference Presenter International Conference on Thirukkural - 2020 Leadership qualities in Thirukkural as explained by Manimozhiyanar 21/02/2020 International Institute of Tamil Studies - Chennai International
8 Seminar Presenter One Day Regional Seminar E-Marketing -is it indispensable for today's marketing? 21/03/2014 Dr,Sivanthi Aditanar college of Engineering Regional
9 Conference Presenter 3rd National conference on Emerging Trends in Management towards sustainable development Recent trends in internet marketing - Indian scenrio 21/03/2014 Veltech Institute of Management National
10 Conference Participant National Conference on Entrepreneurship Management 20/03/2012 Veltech High Tech College- Department of Business Administration National
11 Conference Presenter International conference on Changing Perspectives of Management E-commerce impact on SMEs in developing countries with reference to ICT 26/08/2011 Suriya Group of Institution - School of Management studies International
12 Conference Presenter National conference on sustained growth in the era of Global recovery E-Commerce and open source software in the era of global recovery 26/08/2011 Veltech High Tech Engg college National
13 Seminar Participant Classroom management and communication 23/03/2010 Universiti Kebaangsaan Malaysia (UKM) public university National

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Perception, Attitude and Post Purchase behavior : An analytical study about online shopping behavior among millennial in Chennai Dr.Tamilarasan R Bharathiar University

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Transformative Teaching Toolkit for Management Educators Christ University, BGR Institutional 13/11/2024
2 Outcome based Education and Application of Generative AI in Teaching and Research St.Mary's College(Autonomous), Thirissur, Kerala Regional 17/10/2024
3 Enhancing Research Activities in Higher Education IQAC - CHRIST UNIVERISTY Institutional 28/09/2024
4 Design Thinking: Insights to Inspiration University of Virginia - Coursera International 06/08/2024
5 Mastering Innovative Online Course Development CHRIST(Deemed to be university) Institutional 08/01/2024
6 Faculty Orientation Progra, CHRIST 19/09/2023
7 Induction program CHRIST Institutional 08/09/2023
8 ICT Tools for teaching, learning process & institutes Ministry of Electronics and Information technology National 13/01/2020
9 Tutor's Workshop The Chartered Institute of Marketing (Malaysia) National 08/03/2010


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Eminent Professor Tamil Educational site for Indian Students, Malaysia 26 January 2021
2 Internal Judge NIRVAAH 24 - SDG CHRIST University 15 August 2024


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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